Listen to the podcast:
Internet Marketing Pioneer Rich Schefren Steal our Winners, Top Adviser to the Gurus, Shares Behind The Scenes Becoming Mega Successful.
About Our Guest:
Rich Schefren is widely recognized as the internet marketing pioneer and one of the world’s top experts on online business strategy.
Connect with Rich Schefren
On PivotMe today, we have Rich Schefren. He is widely recognized as the internet marketing pioneer and one of the world’s top experts on online business strategy. He has coached the world’s top online business gurus including Russell Brunson of Click Funnels, and has authored the first viral business report and – get this- invented the first automated webinar back in 2009. Today Rich runs Strategic Profits, which is a company on a mission to turn struggling opportunity seekers into profitable entrepreneurs.
Rich explains how being passionate and not productive in whatever you do can drive you to success and happiness in life. He also explains the Steal Our Winners strategy, which revolves around creating want and convincing people that they needed it.
Listen in to learn about the importance of adopting a better and different system in your business to stand out and add value. You will also learn how to appreciate your journey by understanding that having and achieving goals won’t make you happy or fulfilled because fulfillment is only found in the progress.
Pivotal Questions Asked:
[7:46] How do you navigate those pivots without your ego getting attached to who you used to be?
[25:50] Explain what Steal Our Winners is and who it’s for?
[50:26] If you could tell the world one thing, what would it be?
In This Episode You Will Learn:
[12:59] How to tap into who you really are to find your purpose in life and business.
[16:14] He explains some of the powerful exercises he’s done for him and his clients to transform life and business.
[25:57] Steal Our Winners – Rich explains how he creates new and winning tactics and strategies before the rest of the world finds out about them.
[46:53] The importance of going through the hardship of growth to get to the other side of success.
[50:36] Why it’s always selfish to ask someone to sacrifice their happiness for you and never selfish to be unwilling to sacrifice your happiness for someone else.
“It’s not about where you end up as much as it is about the experiences that you have.”- Rich [8:26]
“The single biggest productivity secret in the world for people who are not naturally productive is to be very passionate about what it is that you’re doing.”- Rich [10:00]
“The principles of marketing never change; the tactics of marketing constantly change and oftentimes something new and different when it comes to marketing generally tends to work better.”- Rich [25:57]
“It’s always selfish to ask someone to sacrifice their happiness for you and never selfish to be unwilling to sacrifice your happiness for someone else.”- Rich [50:40]
“Fulfillment is found in the progress, not in the acquisition.”- April [53:04]
Connect with Rich: www.strategicprofits.com

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