Listen to the podcast:
Where Discipline Comes From Hall of Fame Speaker & Best Selling Author Rory Vaden Handles The Locked Door
About Our Guest:
Rory Vaden is a world-leading expert on the psychology of ultra-performance, a hall of fame speaker & a New York Times bestselling author. He wrote Take The Stairs and Procrastinate on Purpose.
His leadership insights have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, CNN, Entrepreneur, Inc, and Fox News National.
Connect with Rory Vaden
Interview Highlights:
On the show today, we have Rory Vaden who will share his success story as he describes it as a series of impossible achievements, and how he has relentlessly pursued opportunities.
We talk about personal branding for entrepreneurs and corporate executives and the impact it creates on business growth. Listen in to learn how to master self-discipline and influence yourself and others to achieve personal success.
Pivotal Questions Asked:
- [11:17] What is the time that you’ve made a pivot, and what mindset did you use?
- [24:20] In working with people that you’ve worked with, and in your own success, what are some of the trends you’ve seen?
- [37:35] How are you continuously connecting to that thing that you’re driving towards so that you can have the grit to keep showing up each day?
- [46:26] How do you self-sabotage, and how do you get yourself out of that?
In This Episode You Will Learn:
- [3:50] The power of personal branding and how Rory and his company tapped into it to help clients.
- [8:19] The impact of personal branding in the corporate environment and to improve business.
- [11:27] Rory describes his career as an entrepreneur – the challenges and the opportunities.
- [17:55] Why you should be thinking of how you can help people and not your own inadequacies.
- [20:15] How to manage impostor syndrome in every stage of your business.
- [24:35] How to achieve personal success by mastering self-discipline, personal influencing, and leadership.
- [33:15] The paradox principle of sacrifice – how to endure the sacrifice of today for future success.
- [37:57] How to build and establish a vision using the VAST formula.
- [46:33] Why you shouldn’t self-sabotage by not learning how to balance your home life and business.
- “If you can show up in the world in a way that you’re relentlessly standing in the service of others, all of your own fears, inadequacies, and self-doubt fall away.”– Rory [19:01]
- “The story of success is never the escalator; it is always the stairs.”– Rory [25:21]
- “Discipline becomes dormant in the absence of a dream.”– Rory [35:48]
Rory Social Handle:
Instagram: @roryvaden
Facebook: @theroryvaden
Twitter: @roryvaden