Listen to the podcast:
Business Growth & Massive Giveback Entrepreneur and Aston-Martin-returning Yanik Silver shows how to change how business plays
About Our Guest:
Yanik Silver is the creator of the Cosmic Journal, author of Evolved Enterprise, and the founder of Maverick1000, a global collective of visionary entrepreneurs making a serious difference in the world.
Connect with Yanik Silver
Interview Highlights:
On the show today, we have Yanik Silver, he has been called a Cosmic Catalyst, a Maverick Mischief-maker, and a Galactic Goofball. He redefines how business is played in the 21st century at the intersection of evolutionary growth, impact, and fun. He’s the creator of the Cosmic Journal, author of Evolved Enterprise and the founder of Maverick1000, a global collective of visionary entrepreneurs making a serious difference in the world.
Yanik shares how he personally asked himself questions to find answers that gave birth to his business, Maverick1000.
In the episode, he explains some of the major pivot moments that have defined his journey as an entrepreneur. Listen in to learn the importance of forming healthy habits and practices as an entrepreneur to keep on doing what is right with you.
Pivotal Questions Asked:
- [3:22] What is Maverick1000 and why did you start it?
- [6:49] When did you know you needed to pivot, and what kind of mindset did you have to be able to do that pivot?
- [43:30] How do you self-sabotage and how do you get yourself out of the way?
- [47:51] What is your insight on how we should change our strategy going forward?
In This Episode You Will Learn:
- [3:27] Yanik describes how Maverick1000 was born from asking and answering personal questions.
- [6:57] Why you need to ask yourself questions as an entrepreneur and do what is right with you.
- [11:01] How to make newer and deeper connections by using your non-dominant hand.
- [14:36] How he navigated the early days of his business – losing money and defining success.
- [22:28] The benefits of meditation and forming healthy routines for entrepreneurs.
- [26:02] Yanik’s car selling back story plus April’s very similar one.
- [30:48] Learn to write down your thoughts by journaling and taking risks as an entrepreneur.
- [36:30] Some healthy habits and practices to put you in a better place.
- [43:34] He explains a technique that allows him to get out of self-sabotage.
- [47:55] How the economy and businesses are predictably going to change after Covid.
- [52:11] Yanik on his love for supporting others in developing countries.
Show notes Quotes:
- “To keep going up the spiral of evolutionary growth, you have to give up something.”– Yanik Silver [17:58]
- “It doesn’t matter what we do once in a while, it matters what we consistently do.”– April [24:05]
- “I’d rather be more fully alive risking, than I would, trying to diminish myself to fit what I used to be.” [32:21]
Yanik Silver Social Handle:
Instagram: @yaniksilver
Facebook: @YanikSilverFans
Twitter: @yaniksilver